Today Job In Bhavnagar 08/12/2021
We have talked a lot on this channel about how to do well academically. How to study effectively, how to ace your tests and how to crush those homework assignments even when you have barely any time to do them. But of course, successful students don’t just do well academically, they do well all around. So, that begs the question, what separates truly successful students, who have it all together in all areas of their lives, from everyone else? Well that’s what I wanna talk about in this article and today we’re gonna cover eight habits of successful students and yes, this is definitely a riff off of Stephen Covey’s excellent book,
The 7 Habits of Highly ective People, which I have read and loved. But these eight habits are unique. So lets dive right in. To start things off, successful students are forward thinkers. J.R. Not just on the academic side of things but on all fronts. You’ve got your career plans. You’ve got relationships. And when I was in college, I had a lot of friends who always seemed to be scrambling to get these things done at the last second. So if you’re not already a natural forward thinker, if you’re not automatically thinking of things that are coming up in the near future, how do you become one? Well I definitely think it is possible, because I didn’t use to be one but now I am.
And I remember thinking, like, how do you think of stuff like that? One good way to start doing this, is to create a reminder on your task management system or you calendar to sit down once a week and think, what everyone else takes the good ones.. And because of that, everyone’s gonna be signing leases all in one big drove. And while you’re going through this mental exercise, also think about your relationships, maybe you have somebody who has a birthday coming up soon or you have a friend that you haven’t talked to in a while. I find that when you actually think about these things and when you apple a forward thinking mindset to your relationships, you tend to maintain them better. are deliberate about maintaining their relationships that actually keep them.
The second habit is that successful students deliberately move towards adulthood. And a lot of people try to push those things off as much as they possibly can. account, doing your own taxes, your filling out your own financial aid forms or like, learning how to iron shirt or do your own laundry. Habit number three, successful students strive to become, what I like to call, solution finders. ‘t have an immediately apparent solution, they are willing to push through and figure out how to solve it. A friend of mine named Matt is a web developer at a pretty big company and this company values this solution finding mindset so much that they have a rule for people who get stuck on problems.
They call it the 15-Minute Rule. EssSo doing that definitely helped to build that relationship.entially, if an employee gets stuck on a problem, they have to spend 15 more minutes, working on that problem before they’re allowed to ask for help. And during that time, they have to document everything they do and write down what didn’t work so that way when they do ask for help, they’re able to give context to the person who’s helping them. Additionally, once they hit that 15 minute mark, they must ask for help. And this rule creates a nice balance. that they’re not wasting the companies time. And adopting this rule actually proved very useful to you asa student because if you’re willing to solve problems independently, you’re going to solve a lot of them re going to show your teacher that you take the problems seriously.
Number one, these people are gonna be able to tell you about opportunities that you would’ve otherwise missed and if you ever happen to need a letter of recommendation for a job application or a scholarship, those are gonna be the people who you can go to because now they know you and they trust you and they’re gonna be willing to do it. And you probably shouldn’t ask for recommendation from your roommate Jimmy.
So, how do you start building this network? Well a great first step comes at the beginning of a new semester. Go up to the teacher at the end of each class, introduce yourself briefly, shake their hand and just tell them you’re excited to be there. That makes a really great first impression. Additionally in your free time, if you happen to come across like an article, that you think one of your professors would be interested in, email them that article. Just say hey, I read this and I thought of you. I remember back in 2011, I was taking my first marketing class in college and this was right around the time that Val was getting ready to release Portal Two and they did something really weird with the marketing for Portal Two. They had this weird, convoluted game set-up where people could buy games on the steam and play lots and lots of hours in those games and that would all contribute to making Portal Two release a couple of days early.
So essentially, they found a way to let all these other games that weren’t selling all that well, ride the coat tails of this big anticipated game and I thought that was a brilliant marketing strategy. So I found an article about it, I sent it to my marketing professor and said, hey I think you’d be interested in this and the next week he actually talked about it in class. So doing that definitely helped to build that relationship. The fifth habit is that successful students are always trying to learn outside of class. your brain, that allows you to be more creative in your main work.
You might stumble onto something that actually proves to be a huge boon to your future career prospects. One great example is my best friend Martin. He’s always been really interested in language learning but he majored in MIS in college but that didn’t stop him from creating a blog all about how to learn new languages and that actually got him some recognition in the language learning community. He was actually on a list of language learning experts pretty recently. Not to mention, the experience he got building that website actually lead directly to him getting hired at a web development agen
Habit number six is to constantly be keeping your ear to the ground for opportunities. Here’s the thing, when your in school or especially when your in college and university, there are a ton of opportunities around you. But you have to be willing to look for them and to know where to look. One great thing to do is to be keeping your eye out for bulletin boards around your campus or in your school because a lot of opportunities are gonna be posted as fliers on those bulletin boards. Additionally, follow your schools’ social media accounts.
And I’m not just talkin about the main social media account. Follow your professors and your teachers. Follow departments that you’re a part of. Because a lot of these departments and professors, they’re gonna post opportunities that they think their students would be good fits for. And this habit is actually directly related to how I got my first internship, because I was following my schools career center on Twitter and they posted a tweet about a big company in our area that was putting on this freshman leadership seminar. So I saw the tweet, I signed up, I got accepted and at that event I met a mentor who was instrumental in getting me hired at that internship. The seventh habit is that successful students put a lot of effort into keeping themselves both physically and mentally fit.
When you’re a student whose ambitious, there’s often this general mindset that you should be spending all of your time studying or pursuing opportunities and when a lot of students do this, they often let their nutrition habits, their exercise habits, and their sleep go by the wayside. And what’s worse, they’ll often work themselves to the point where they mentally burn out or they become depressed or have a lot of anxiety. And the sad things is, when they’re letting their physical and mental health go by the way side, they aren’t able to perform in the things that they really want to do in the first place and truly successful students know this, which is why they make time for exercise. They make time for making good healthy meals or getting them at the dining center and they also get enough sleep every single night. And one little side note that I’ll make here; successful students are willing to ask for help if they need it. If they’re dealing with mental burn out or anxiety or depression.
They will go ask a professional if they can’t deal with those issues themselves. And that brings us to the final habit on the list. Successful students try things before they think they’re ready. I wanna underline this idea with something that Neil Pasricha talks about in his book, The Happiness Equation. In the book, he talks about how people generally approach new skills or challenges and how they do it in a linear way. They feel like they have to be able to do it first and then they’ll want to do it and finally they’ll do it. But when you think this way, you never actually get to do the thing, because you never gained the skills to do it in the first place.
So, Neil encourages you to take that linear model and make it circular. Do, which leads to can do, because you’re gaining skills through doing. That leads to want to do and the circle repeats and enforces itself. Plus you’re often much more qualified than you think you are. A lot of students and a lot of people in general deal with Imposter Syndrome, they think, who am I to do this, I don’t have a certification. I don’t have a qualification. But in many cases, you don’t need it. I’ll give ya an example. When I was a freshman in college, I really wanted to join a club on campus called, Business Council. These were basically like the leaders of the business school at the university but they had a rule, they only let people in who were sophomores and above. Very rarely would they make an exception for a freshman. So what did I think? I didn’t think, I’m just gonna wait. I’m just gonna you know, wait till I’m a sophomore. I thought, I’m going to apply because what’s the worst that’s gonna happen? They’re gonna reject me and I’ll try again next semester. So I applied, I put my best foot forward and I got accepted. And what’s more, during my first semester as a member, I also got elected to the leadership board.
So if something seems exciting to you, but it also seems a little scary, try it anyway because that is what successful students do. That brings us to the end of my list but if you have additional ideas or habits you think I left off of it, I would love to hear from you guys in the comments down below. So definitely let me know what you’re thinkin. If you like this article, if you found it helpful, definitely give it a like to support this channel. If you’re not subscribed yet, you can subscribe right there to get new article every single week and you can also get a free copy of my book on how to earn better grades right there. You can check out our latest pod cast episode right there, were we go over ten of our favorite fiction books or if you’d like another article on this channel, click right there or smash your face into it or whatever, it’ll probably work, especially if you’re using a phone and I will see you guys next week.